Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Human Resource Development in the sector

In March 2006, the Enterprise Network was contracted by the department of Post-secondary Education, Training and Labour to form a workforce adjustment committee for the Information Technology sector in New Brunswick. The primary objectives of this committee were to understand the workforce needs of the sector and develop a strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry.

Nineteen companies contributed to the strategy and developed 6 key goals:
  1. Implementation of a provincial ICT Human Resource structure with appropriate staff and resources to facilitate sector communications, growth and prosperity.
  2. Retention of appropriately skilled and experienced ICT employees and managers in New Brunswick.
  3. Education of an adequate number of new ICT graduates to a job ready skill and experience level to meet evolving industry needs.
  4. Attraction of appropriately skilled and experienced ICT employees and managers from outside NB.
  5. Develop a strong positive image of the NB ICT industry with enhanced pride and esteem of sector participants and strong awareness of sector employment opportunities through enhanced sector communications.
  6. Ongoing professional development of experienced ICT sector employees and managers to adapt their skill sets to meet evolving industry needs.


Gene Fowler said...

Fatkat has been a part of this and it's been greatly received by the NB government. We gotta keep on top of it for it to work though.

Should be interesting!


Harold Jarche said...

I would encourage everyone to read Guy's post on How to Kick Silicon Valley's Butt.

His advice is that there are a lot of things that you can't change, and some that you can influence. Two of the recommendations are to focus on engineers and encourage immigration. Engineers are the types to create new companies and products.

He also suggests that you don't focus on creating jobs (is that what these HR recommendations are about?) or create venture capital funds (NBIF?).

Anyway, it's food for thought.